Providing Live-In Home Care in New Jersey, Since 1985


New Jersey Senior Tips Oral history is the systematic collection of living people’s testimony about their own experiences. Historians recognize that the everyday memories of everyday people, not just the rich and famous, have historical importance. Your stories and the stories of the people around you are unique, valuable treasures for your family and your […]

New Years Resolutions for Senior Citizens

NJ Senior News & Resources What can New Jersey seniors do to make the New Year a good one?  Consider the following: Shared experiences and the resulting wisdom The younger generations need the benefit of the wisdom elderly citizens have acquired throughout their lives. By sharing their wisdom with young people, senior citizens become a […]

NJ Senior Living & Your Seniors Social Life

New Jersey Senior Living & Lifestyle Loneliness is one of the most common problems affecting seniors who live alone and away from family.  How can seniors connect with others?  Here are some places and situations that can work well: Local senior centers usually offer lectures, classes, and meals. Libraries offer book discussion groups for seniors, […]

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